Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Parenting and worry

I've decided parenting is hard. I want to do what's best for my kids but honestly that's hard. My son (J) spends most of his time at his dads (don't worry about why) so when he is with me I want it to be fun. I will tell you right now sometimes it's not fun. I haven't figured out the balance yet of being a fun mom and a mean mom. I have decided I want to learn more about love and logic. In a nut shell you give your child choices and learns from the consequences of those choices. It is so hard to watch him make the wrong choice but he has to learn. For example he got a balloon from a fair. I asked him "do you want me to hold it or do you want to hold it. he held it, dropped it and it popped. I knew that was going to happen and it broke my heart to see him sad about it, but it learned. Another example would be. I asked him if he wanted to take a bath by himself or if he needed help. He was fighting me so bad on taking a bath so I said "ok i will help you and put him in with his clothes on. Occasionally I will ask him if he remembers these times and he says yes. I haven't figured out if it's good he remembers that sucky time in his life or if it's good because he remembers he learned from that. Changing the subject a little. Little girl is 6 months old. She can sit up but I think she is traumatized because she fell over and wont do it now. Someone told me that she might be a little behind because she is little. I don't want to say "she's little so that's why she doesn't do that." I think that's garbage. I've seen kids that are super premature but still hit all of their milestones at a "normal" time. I don't want to push her though. It's all about finding balance. Am I the only one who worries about this? I don't ever remember worrying about J's development. I've heard about early intervention that if you notice your child is "behind" that you can help in the beginning so it's easier for the child. Am I going to need this? If so how will I know? Confusing!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I don't know what's going on with my blog but I hope this works. Little Girl is 6 months old today. I figure I could do a little review on something I discovered in my adventures. Highchairs! I am going to tell you about high chairs that I have come across in 4 different restaurants. I am going to go by my least favorite to my most favorite. So number 4 would be Jason's Deli at the Gateway. I couldn't find any highchairs there so you can see why that would be my least favorite. Number 3 would be Wingers in Murray. I think I tried 3 different chairs and they were all broken. Number 2 would be Olive Garden in West Valley. The highchair was fine. I had to put blankets around my little girl because it didn't seem very supported. My most favorite so far was in taco bell/KFC in Heber. It had sides on it and it dipped down so my baby was supported better. Also a plus was that it had wheels so I didn't have to carry it I could just pull it behind me. I am not discounting these restaurants I am just making an observation. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Frustrated I want to cry

     I feel like garbage. My nose is so stuffy I can't breath. My tooth hurts way bad and my legs are restless. I am nursing so I don't know what meds I can take. I want to cry.
     I am also stressing out because I read that when a mom is sick her milk supply could decrease. That's super lame! When I don't feel like doing anything but sleep my baby is going to want to eat more because I don't have as much milk. That totally makes sense now though because Little Girl wants nothing but to nurse. She's been nursing every hour yesterday and today. I'm hoping she sleeps awhile so I can too.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Just a little rant

     At my 6 week appointment when I was pregnant with Little Girl I had an abnormal pap. They wanted to wait until I had her to look further into it so today I went to the dr. I had a colposcopy done. I won't go into details so long story short I have severe discomfort.
     My appointment was at 9:30 this morning so I didn't get to sleep in as much as I usually do. I went to my moms after so I didn't take a nap either. I fell asleep about 8 tonight on a chair in my living room. My husband decided he was going to wake me up just to tell me that he was going to bed. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I am someone that once I'm awake I have a hard time going back to sleep. I tried but it didn't work. I'm pretty frustrated. I don't get sleep as it is. If he wouldn't have woken me up I would still be asleep.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

     It's about 11:20 pm. I am giving myself a bed of 12:00. I need to try and sleep because I think I made myself sick by not sleeping well. 
     In the meantime I have been looking on Pinterest for different ways to do a bun. I have decided that my hair is just not the right length to do anything yet. I can't do a sock bun or a messy bun. It's very frustrating. I want to be able to put my hair up without looking at it and without using hair pins. In high school I could do it. I don't know what changed. 
     My poor little girl has a not so stylish mom. I definitely have my own style. I hope she isn't too disappointed in her mom. Well the search continues. Have a good night. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

New blog

    I am dedicating this blog to sleepless nights. It's going to be super random. To my kind of fashion, my kind of parenting, and things that bug me. I call it Average GIRL because that's how I see myself still. It's weird being a grown up and I'm learning so much still. There is an episode of Phineas and Ferb that someone says something like "I blog about my blog and other blogs." That's basically this one.
    Tonight I'm going to talk about naps and how I have a love hate relationship with them.
    So I don't sleep very good at night. Even if I get to bed at a decent time I'm up a lot. Either with the little girl, restless legs, having to go to the bathroom. There are numerous reasons why I don't sleep. Sleepless nights lead to very tired days. Naps are my best friends. I get to cuddle with my baby and for the most part I sleep a lot better during the day. If I don't get interrupted by my phone that is. That's a whole other issue. So naps are bad because then I am not tired at night. Any suggestions would be good. I do try and sleep when my baby sleeps though. Well sweet dreams :)